We can ship abroad.
If you want to purchase our item(goods) abroad (outside of Japan)
we can accept it with additional shipping charge
If you have any questions in the online shop,
please email us at info@tsujimoto-coffee.com
And please tell us
Item you want
Your address(country)
Your name
We will contact you about shipping cost as soon as wa can. -

Products we recommend.
We sell drip coffee bags, special coffee beans, decaffeinated coffee, liquid coffee, coffee equipment, and Japanese tea.
If you have any questions at the time of purchase, please feel free to email us at info@tsujimoto-coffee.com.
Seasonal Drip coffee bag
Ameagari no jikan118 yen ~
Special Drip coffee bag
Pan jikan162 yen ~
Cup of Exellence
Coffee beans1,566 yen ~
From world farms
Specialty coffee beans1,058 yen ~
Shipping and delivery
Items will be shipped by EMS of Japan Post.
For the shipping fee, we will charge the product price after checking the weight.
Please allow a little time after your order.
※Dispatch will be after confirming payment. -
Payment method
Payment method is basically PayPal.
As you proceed with your order, Set the payment method to "bank transfer". Please write " to request for Paypal " and your country in the remarks column.
After confirming your order at our company,
We will send you an e-mail about PayPal payment.
If you wish to use another payment method, please contact us by email.
About a Tsujimoto Coffee.
Tsujimoto Coffee was born in 2003 from “Ocha no Tsujimineen”, which sold Japanese tea.
Founded as a business to undertake the filling of a cup of drip coffee bag. Drip coffee bags are packed within 24 hours after roasting to keep coffee beans fresh.
Since 2005, has been selling coffee and coffee utensils in online shops.
In 2017, we opened a store in Izumi City, Osaka and began extracting specialty coffee and selling beans.
Coffee beans from around the world carefully selected under the supervision of “Q Grader” Tsujimoto
roasting in the store.
We want to deliver a “nice time” starting with coffee from Japan.
We would be grateful if you could provide a cup of coffee to your everyday life.

Our mission
Delivering a wonderful experience through coffee to all those who have a good relationship, staff and business partners can work comfortably and live a fulfilling life.
Beyond that, our mission is to fill the world with a smile.
Staff thoughts
Because sales on the Internet do not allow you to see your face, we value the closeness of our customers with the human power of our staff, and keep in mind that "have temperature in words".
We always think that all the staffs are “the face of a sutekinajikan Co., Ltd.”, and We will do my best to be a better Tsujimoto coffee in the future.